Saturday, July 31, 2010


@Premier Fitness:

First, Old school workout with Cune, Hugh, etc. 8:30am

Bench, 10-10-6-4-2-7--> 185-195-225-245-265-225
Super-Set with Barbell Curls, 15-12-10--> 85-95-95
Then the last 3 sets were machine curls--> 20-15-12 I can't remember my weight
Incline, 7-7-5-5--> 135-185-195-205
Super-Set with Dumbell Curls, 12-10-8-6--> 30-35-45-50


-Cune, Josh, Amy, Brad Coaching-

Team WOD... 3 7-minute AMRAPS, 3-min rest between each.

First set--> 15 box jumps, 15 situps. I got 6 rounds... (Need to get better on the box jumps!)
Second set--> 10 dumbell power presses (I used 35#ers), 10 Dumbell lunges (35#ers). I got 6 rounds. Power press, I'd knock out all 10 in like 15 seconds, then I'd get OWNED on the lunges..
Third set--> 5 medicine ball slams, 5 burpees. I got 8 rounds.. burpees DESTROY me.

Friday, July 30, 2010


@ Premier Fitness

-Cune Coaching-

"Kelly"..... this was one of the worst so far. Especially with a 1.5 mile run for a cash out..

My time was 29:55... BARELY got under 30.


@ Premier CrossFit:

This one was by myself since no-one was in the box at the time.

21 Overhead Squats (95#), 3 Hand Stand Push-Ups, 18 OS, 3 HSPU, 15 OS, 3 HSPU, 12 OS, 3 HSPU, 9 OS, 3 HSPU, 6 OS, 3 HSPU

For time. My time was 10:37.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


@ Premier CrossFit

-Josh and Pat Coaching-

"Helen" - My time was 9:34.

This one HURT. I still think I could have pushed harder on the 400's, especially the last one.

Monday, July 26, 2010


@Premier CrossFit:

-Cune & Pat Coaching-

We started with 3x3x3x3x3 power press (no legs!). I went 95, 115, 125, 135, 145.. 145 was tough!

The wod was great, I tried to make sure to pace myself and take a couple breaths before I started each piece of the workout. Instead of burning out and doing a few at a time until I was done, I was actually able to do everything unbroken!! :)

Cash Out: 100 situps

Friday, July 23, 2010


@Premier CrossFit:
-Cune coaching-

wu/buy in: .5 mile run, 10 minutes of double unders

i've never done burpees before and I just about died. stringing them together seems to be the key... didn't figure that out until my last round.

my time was 14:27

cash out: 100 air squats. I did 50, 20, 20, 10.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


@Premier CrossFit:
i used a 62lb KB, last set unbroken(21 and 12)!

my time was 25:26

Monday, July 19, 2010


@Premier CrossFit:

this workout was absolutely BRUTAL.

there was a time limit of 1 minute per exercise and during that 1 minute we were to accomplish as many reps as possible. Once through all 8 exercises there is a 1 minute break, then repeat until 3 rounds have been completed.

i really need to work on my double unders.. i only got 4 reps my first round, 15ish my second and 15ish my third. it was terrible. i'm definitely going to hit the gym later tonight and do some sort of death-by-double-unders workout after my strength workout. should be fun


@Premier CrossFit

started the day off with a team wod (4 people per team) in the morning that consisted of:

a run with a 35lb weight (1-mile)
3000m row (only allowed 150m per person)
200 pullups (10 per person limit per set)
200 pushups (20 per person limit per set)
400 air squates (20 per person limit per set)

pretty good workout actually!

Friday, July 16, 2010


WOD: FRAN.....

21 95lb thrusters, 21 pullups
15 95lb thrusters, 15 pullups
9 95lb thrusters, 9 pullups

My time was 3:50. OW.



Buy In: Max situps (unanchored, with abmat, no pausing)

Skill: Power Snatch



KB Swings 53/35


Power Snatch 75/45

20 yard shuttle run

CASH OUT: 50 Burpees (for every 10 situps completed in the BUY In, you can subtract 5 burpees)

I did the WOD first, had to do the last set as shoulder press, lower back cramped up.. foul.

Then for the buy in/cash out, I was grumpy about not finishing the WOD correctly so I went nuts on the situps.. I did 501 in a row, NO REST. no burpees for me!! :)



200m run
12 pullups
6 deadlifts (I did 225, RX was 275)

5 rounds for time - my time was 9:50

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Premier CrossFit:

Team WOD> 2500m row, 250 wall balls, 250 situps, 250 pushups, 400m sprint

Messed around with squat form and muscle-ups after the WOD.


CrossFit Lincoln:

buy in> max pushups without stopping. 74 reps

WOD #1> power cleans 1-1-1-1-1-1-1


WOD #2> CrossFit Endurance - 5 Deadlifts 50% max, 5 rounds of Cindy, 6 DL, 4 Cindy, 7 DL, 3 Cindy, 8 DL, 2 Cindy

I used 205lb for deadlifts, time was 13:15

WOD #3> From

Walking lunge 100 ft.
21 Pull-ups
21 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
18 Pull-ups
18 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
15 Pull-ups
15 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
12 Pull-ups
12 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
9 Pull-ups
9 Sit-ups
Walking Lunge 100 ft.
6 Pull-ups
6 Sit-ups

my time was 14:15

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Weight Workout:
flat bench - 135x20, 185x15, 205x8, 225x6, 235x6(Stopping on chest for 2 seconds every rep)
bent row - 95x20, 115x15, 135x8, 155x6, 175x6, 185x4
10 degree incline dumbell press - 55x20, 60x15, 65x8, 75x6, 85x6
1-arm dumbell row - 55x20, 60x15, 65x8, 75x6, 85x6
rear delt dumbell flys - 15x25, 15x25
seated machine flys - 75x25, 75x25