Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Ridiculous performance of 11.6!! Check it out:

I found some time to sneak into the box after work tonight and hit:


10 Rounds of:
3 Snatches (135#/90#)
15 Wallballs (20#/15#)

My time was 18:32RX - The snatches were nasty until I really focused on splitting my deadlift out of the movement.. deadlift--hit my knees and EXPLODE into the shrug and snatch. It really helps. Once I figured that out (around round 4), it was more of a matter of lungs than weight.

I took the last 4 days off to rest after sectionals as well as out of necessity from work and school requirements.. 4.75 hours of sleep doesn't really make WODing a great idea! I can always notice a significant difference in my output when I don't get enough sleep (e.g. 6-8 hours a night). It seems like my fuel runs out much quicker and the weight always feels heavier! The weeks when I do get the sleep I need, I'm usually able to hit my 'second wind' halfway through a WOD and keep a consistent pace. Sometimes though, when you don't have a choice when it comes to sleep, I do find even if the WOD was terrible and I felt like I was going to fall over and most likely not get up for a week or two, I generally feel much better afterwards. 1.5 weeks and this semester is over!!! I can't wait to tear through some non-stress-relief WODs!

1 comment:

  1. I undErstand about rest and all... I can really tell when I have not eaten rigor not hydrated well enough when t comes time to do a WOD! I agree with the rest after sectionals. I was beat up some after those 6 weeks and could tell it. Hugh and I were talking about that he other day. It is easy to understand now how people that are at such a high level of competition may peak before the Games and ennui not doing a well! Great job on your topp 100 finish in the Region! Hope you make it to Regionals next year!!! I will be mote of a push by then so watch out! =)
