Monday, August 30, 2010


@Premier CrossFit

This one was SNEAKY.


@Premier Fitness


@CrossFit GSX Fort Worth, TX

Bear Complex... 5 rounds, 3 min rest between each.

Clean from the ground, front squat, push press, back squat, push press. That is 1 REP, 7 REPs per round. Add weight EVERY time. Cannot set the weight down during the round, can rest of back etc but CANT set it down..

I did 95-105-115-125-135 and finished it!


@Premier Fitness

Thursday, August 19, 2010


@Premier CrossFit

-Cune Coaching-

Great workout, did 335# 3-times with the new form (narrow stance) and it felt awesome!

I only did 275# in the WOD to make sure my form was good. Next time I'll do RX!

Monday, August 16, 2010


@ Premier CrossFit

-Amy Coaching-

Good WOD, I love the heavy ones!!


A few of us did a 'goat' WOD on sunday.. the d.u. kicked my butt...

5 rounds for time:
20 d.u.
10 pistols
20 dumbell thrusters (35#)
10 ring pullups

my time was 16:something..



Old School Workout with Cune - Killed Chest and Arms

Saturday WOD: 3 5 min AMRAPS, 3 min rest between. With Partners.

First AMRAP: 70# kb swings for 10 while parter does d.u. for reps, then switch every 10 kb swings
Second AMRAP: row for calories until partner does 10 burpees then switch
Third AMRAP: Wall Balls 20# ball until partner runs 0.10 miles then switch

Friday, August 13, 2010


@ Premier CrossFit
-Cune and Pat Coaching-
Bad picture so I'll write out the WOD....

.5 mile run (warm up, then time starts when we got back)
100 push-ups
90 sit-ups
80 lunges
70 kb swings (53# kb)
60 squats
50 push press (75#)
40 dips
30 pull-ups
20 box jumps
10 225# deadlifts
.5 mile run (time ends after the run)

my time was 32:25 and I seriously almost hurled. Good WOD, but tough!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


@ Premier CrossFit
-Chris and Pat Coaching-

This workout kicked my butt! We started out running a mile for time... I ran it in the low 7s..

then, we did the WOD... did ok on the SDHP, and rocked the Push Press and situps, but then the run killed me every time. My time was 22:16. I really need to work on my running!!

Monday, August 2, 2010


@Premier CrossFit:

"Rest Day" WOD :)

I did butterflies for the first time in this workout! My time was 6:50